Sunday, October 12, 2008

Auld Lang Syne

Mairi Campbell And Dave Francis - Auld Lang Syne (Sex and the City soundtrack)

当我观看SEX AND THE CITY时,被这首歌曲给吸引住。当时我跟毒舌妇说过我爱上了这首歌,觉得这首歌感觉很孤独。



Danny said...

in fact almost all tracks from the album are nice... bought that album rite after watching the movie ;)

Legolas said...

Is that the same Auld Lang Syne as the old song? We went to Karaoke last week and someone sang that song, the original version.

MCC said...

To danny: buddys also bought the album too. :P

To legolas: I know there have a lot of Auld Lang Syne old version, but i think is different song.